Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Cross Product

The Cross Product
We saw in the previous section on dot products that the dot product takes two vectors and produces a scalar, making it an example of a scalar product. In this section, we will introduce a vector product, a multiplication rule that takes two vectors and produces a new vector. We will find that this new operation, the cross product, is only valid for our 3-dimensional vectors, and cannot be defined in the 2- dimensional case. 

One important feature of the dot product is its invariance under rotations.In other words, if we take a pair of vectors in the plane and rotate them both by the same angle, their dot product will remain the same. Consider the length of a single vector (which is given by the dot product): if the vector gets rotated about the origin by some angle, its length will not change--even though its direction can change quite dramatically! Similarly, from the geometric formula for the dot product, we see that the result depends only on the lengths of the two vectors and the angle between them. None of these quantities changes when we rotate the two vectors together, so neither can their dot product. This is what we mean when we say that the dot product is invariant under rotations.

Making the requirement of rotational invariance more stringent for the cross product, we need the cross product of two vectors to yield another vector. Consider, for instance, two 3-dimensional vectors u and v in a plane (two non-parallel vectors always define a plane, in the same way that two lines do. If we rotate this plane, the vectors will change direction, but we don't want the cross product w = u×v to change at all. However, if w has any non-zero components in the plane of u and v , those components will necessarily change under rotation (they get rotated just like everything else). The only vectors that won't change at all under a rotation of the u - v plane are those vectors that are perpendicular to the plane. Hence, the cross product of two vectors u and v must give a new vector which is perpendicular to both u and v .

we can see immediately that it is not possible to define a cross product for two- dimensional vectors, since there is no direction perpendicular to the plane of two-dimensional the vectors! (We'd need a third dimension for that).

Let's begin by defining the cross product for the unit vectors i , j , and k . Since all vectors can be decomposed in terms of unit vectors (see Unit vectors), once we've defined the cross products for this special case it will be easy to extend the definition to include all vectors. As we noted above, the cross product between iand j (since they both lie in the x - y plane) must point purely in the z -direction. Hence:

i×j = c k

for some constant c . Because later on we will want the magnitude of the resultant vector to have geometric significance, we need c k to have unit length. In other words, c can be either +1 or -1. Now we make a completely arbitrary choice in order to accord with convention: we choose c = + 1 . The fact that we have chosen c to be positive is known as The Right-Hand Rule.

It turns out that in order to be consistent with the Right-Hand Rule, all of the cross products between unit vectors are uniquely determined:

i×j=k = - j×i 
j×k=i = - k×j 
k×i=j = - i×k 

In particular, notice that the order of the vectors within the cross products holds significance. In general, u×v = - v×u . From here we can see that the cross product of a vector with itself is always zero, since by the above rule u×u = - u×u , which means that both sides must vanish for equality to hold. We can now complete our list of cross products between unit vectors by observing that:
i×i = j×j = k×k = 0

Geometric Formula for Cross Product
Consider the cross product of two (not necessarily unit-length) vectors that lie purely along the x and y axes (as i and j do). We can thus write the vectors as u = a i and v = b j , for some constants a and b . The cross product u×v is thus equal to
u×v = ab(i×j) = ab k   

Notice that the magnitude of the resultant vector is the same as the area of the rectangle with sides u and v ! As promised above, the magnitude of the cross product between two vectors, u×v| , has a geometric interpretation. In general it is equal to the area of the parallelogram having the two given vectors as its sides (see ).
From basic geometry, we know that this area is given by area = | u|| v| sinθ , whereu| and v| are the lengths of the sides of the parallelogram, and θ is the angle between the two vectors. Notice that when the two vectors are perpendicular to each other, θ = 90 degrees, so sinθ = 1 and we recover the familiar formula for the area of a square. On the other hand, when the two vectors are parallel, θ = 0 degrees, and sinθ =0, meaning the area vanishes (as we expect). In general, then, we find that the magnitude of the cross product between two vectors u and v that are separated by an angle θ (going clockwise from u to v , as specified by the Right-Hand Rule) is given by:
u×v| = | u|| v| sinθ   

In particular, this means that for two parallel vectors the cross product equals 0.

Cross Product Summary

In summary, the cross product of two vectors is given by:
u×v = (u 1 v 2 - u 2 v 1)k + (u 3 v 1 - u 1 v 3)j + (u 2 v 3 - u 3 v 2)i   

where the resultant vector is perpendicular to each of the original two and its magnitude is given by u×v| = | u|| v| sinθ .

Unit Vector

vector has magnitude (how long it is) and direction:

Unit Vector

Unit Vector has a magnitude of 1:

The symbol is usually a lowercase
letter with a "hat", such as:
(Pronounced "a-hat")


A vector can be "scaled" off the unit vector. Here vector a is shown to be 2.5 times a unit vector. Notice they still point in the same direction:

In 2 Dimensions

You can use unit vectors to help you work with vectors in 2 dimensions:
Here we show that the vector a is made up of 2 "x" unit vectors and 1.3 "y" unit vectors.

In 3 Dimensions

Likewise we can use unit vectors in three (or more!) dimensions:
Read full article from Unit Vector

Monday, September 29, 2014

Straight-Line Equations: Slope-Intercept Form

  • Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (–2, 4) and (1, 2).
    Well, if I have two points on a straight line, I can always find the slope; that's what the slope formula is for.
      slope m = -2/3
The other format for straight-line equations is called the "point-slope" form. For this one, they give you a point (x1y1) and a slope m, and have you plug it into this formula:
     y1 = m( x1)
  • Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (–2, 4) and (1, 2).
    I've already answered this one, but let's look at the process. I should get the same result (namely,  y = ( – 2/x + 8/). Given two points, I can always find the slope:
      slope m = -2/3
    Then I can use either point as my (x1y1), along with this slope Ive just calculated, and plug in to the point-slope form. Using (–2, 4) as the (x1y1), I get:
     y1 = m( x1) y – (4) = ( – 2/)(x – (–2)) y – 4 = ( – 2/)(x + 2) y – 4 = ( – 2/x – 4/3y = ( – 2/x – 4/3 + 4 y = ( – 2/x – 4/3 + 12/3 y = ( – 2/x + 8/3


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lucene/Solr Revolution 2013 - Dublin - YouTube

Read full article from Lucene/Solr Revolution 2013 - Dublin - YouTube

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Modular multiplicative inverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In modular arithmetic, the modular multiplicative inverse of an integer a modulo m is an integer x such that

a\,x \equiv 1 \pmod{m}.

That is, it is the multiplicative inverse in the ring of integers modulo m, denoted \mathbb{Z}_m.

Once defined, x may be noted a^{-1}, where the fact that the inversion is m-modular is implicit.

The multiplicative inverse of a modulo m exists if and only if a and m are coprime (i.e., if gcd(a, m) = 1). If the modular multiplicative inverse of a modulo m exists, the operation of division by a modulo m can be defined as multiplying by the inverse, which is in essence the same concept as division in the field of reals.

Read full article from Modular multiplicative inverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pascal's Triangle

One of the most interesting Number Patterns is Pascal's Triangle (named after Blaise Pascal, a famous French Mathematician and Philosopher).

To build the triangle, start with "1" at the top, then continue placing numbers below it in a triangular pattern.

Each number is the two numbers above it added together (except for the edges, which are all "1").

(Here I have highlighted that 1+3 = 4)

Patterns Within the Triangle



The first diagonal is, of course, just "1"s, and the next diagonal has the Counting Numbers (1,2,3, etc).

The third diagonal has the triangular numbers

(The fourth diagonal, not highlighted, has the tetrahedral numbers.)

Read full article from Pascal's Triangle

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

domenic's question at Yahoo! Answers regarding computing the work to empty a tank

A tank containing oil is in the shape of a downward-pointing cone with its vertical axis perpendicular to ground level. In this exercise we will assume that the height of the tank is h=16 feet , the circular top of the tank has radius r=8 feet, and that the oil inside the tank weighs 55 pounds per cubic foot.
How much work (W) does it take to pump oil from the tank to an outlet that is 3 feet above the top of the tank if, prior to pumping, there is only a half-tank of oil? Note: "half-tank" means half the volume in the tank.
Note: For this problem a pound is to be taken as a unit of weight (not of mass), so it is not necessary to multiply by the gravitational acceleration constant in order to find the work.

Read full article from domenic's question at Yahoo! Answers regarding computing the work to empty a tank

Monday, September 8, 2014


a+b=1                 (1)  
d+e=1                 (2)
a+b+c+d+e=2         (3)
c+d+e=1      (4)
根据(2)(4)可得, c=0  ,所以c块肯定无雷,可放心地揭开。
第四种模型 - 数学概率
假设{ Bn : n = 1, 2, 3, ... } 是一个概率空间的有限或者可数无限的分割,且每个集合Bn是一个可测集合,则对任意事件A有全概率公式
此处Pr(A | B)是B发生后A的条件概率,所以全概率公式又可写作:

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Barycentric Coordinates -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Barycentric Coordinates

Barycentric coordinates are triples of numbers (t_1,t_2,t_3) corresponding to masses placed at the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3. These masses then determine a point P, which is the geometric centroid of the three masses and is identified with coordinates (t_1,t_2,t_3). The vertices of the triangle are given by (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1). Barycentric coordinates were discovered by Möbius in 1827 (Coxeter 1969, p. 217; Fauvel et al. 1993).


To find the barycentric coordinates for an arbitrary point P, find t_2 and t_3 from the point Q at the intersection of the line A_1P with the side A_2A_3, and then determine t_1 as the mass at A_1 that will balance a mass t_2+t_3 at Q, thus making P the centroid (left figure). Furthermore, the areas of the triangles DeltaA_1A_2P, DeltaA_1A_3P, and DeltaA_2A_3P are proportional to the barycentric coordinates t_3, t_2, and t_1 of P (right figure; Coxeter 1969, p. 217).

Barycentric coordinates are homogeneous, so


for mu!=0.

Barycentric coordinates normalized so that they become the actual areas of the subtriangles are called homogeneous barycentric coordinates. Barycentric coordinates normalized so that


so that the coordinates give the areas of the subtriangles normalized by the area of the original triangle are called areal coordinates (Coxeter 1969, p. 218). Barycentric and areal coordinates can provide particularly elegant proofs of geometric theorems such as Routh's theorem, Ceva's theorem, and Menelaus' theorem (Coxeter 1969, pp. 219-221).

Read full article from Barycentric Coordinates -- from Wolfram MathWorld


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